Jesus invites us into a new life where we are able to thrive as we grow in relationship with him and his people, the church.

THRIVE is an important invitation for us. Jesus invites us into a new life where we are able to thrive as we grow in relationship with him and his people, the church. So "THRIVE" is the name we use to describe the four core priorities for discipleship as we move into authentic relationship with God.


Every weekend, we come together to worship God, to know Jesus better, and to experience the Holy Spirit’s presence with us. We desire to foster an atmosphere where people can freely express their love for God in worship with the community of believers. God desires to have an interactive relationship with us, where we come to him for anything and be completely transparent. God listens to our questions, hears our frustrations, and celebrates our triumphs. When we spend quality time with Jesus and learn to hear his voice, the fruit that flows from such intimacy is life-changing.


  • Weekend Worship Service

  • Personal Devotions

  • Worship Nights


Spiritual growth happens best in the company of friends. Join together with others in a small group format to regularly worship, care for one another, and help each other grow toward a thriving relationship with Jesus. Community means meals together, spending quality time together, showing up at each other’s homes, serving others together, being there when there is a need, offering resources that we have to each other, and exemplifying a life that is surreal to most people today.


  • Growth Groups (small group ministry)

  • Men’s Ministry

  • Women’s Ministry

  • Life Together Dinners


People who are thriving in their relationship with Jesus never stop growing. By definition, being a disciple means being a learner. We want to build strong core competencies and practices that propel us forward in this lifelong journey as followers of Jesus. God’s desire for us is to become mature disciples in the Body of Christ for the sake of the world He loves. 


  • Growth Groups / Equip Class Categories: Bible, Theology, Ministry Training, Core Competencies, and Kingdom Practices

  • Vineyard Institute

  • Internships

  • Vineyard 101


Jesus said, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working” (John 5:17). We want to follow Jesus’s model and constantly look to see what God is doing around us and then courageously join in. Take a risk, get messy, have fun, and make a difference by joining a ministry team. Much of Jesus’s life and ministry was living, serving, healing, and eating with people the were not valued by the world. Jesus called these people “the least.” They are the forgotten, the powerless, and the outcasts in society. As followers of Jesus, we are also called to care for the least, and in doing so we are caring for Jesus himself.


  • Ministry Teams

  • Red Carpet Team (Hospitality)

  • Prayer Team

  • Worship Team

  • Kids Team

  • Youth Ministry Team

  • Lunch Team

  • Helping Hands (serving the poor)

  • Spring and Fall Fest (outreach to our community)

  • Adopt-a-school 

  • Making Ends Meet